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People Partner


University of Michigan, B.S., 1988; Albany Law School of Union University, J.D., 1991; National Co-Champion, ABA-sponsored Negotiations Competition

Kevin assists clients in matters before state and federal energy regulatory agencies and involving utilities and electric system operators, evaluating energy procurement options, generation development and siting, asset divestiture and acquisition, and other energy-related transactions. Kevin’s clients include the City of New York, State University of New York, University of Massachusetts, Cornell University, numerous Fortune 500 companies, generation owners and developers, financial institutions, and other individuals and companies participating in energy markets.

Prior to joining Couch White, Kevin worked for the New York State Department of Public Service as a Managing Attorney and before that, as an Assistant Counsel. While with DPS, he successfully defended the New York State Public Service Commission in court challenges to PSC decisions, led staff teams in numerous rate cases, was instrumental in maximizing the value received by New York ratepayers from the divestiture of the New York public utilities’ nuclear, fossil-fueled, and hydroelectric generating facilities, and routinely advised the PSC on policy and other issues.


  • New York State Courts
  • Massachusetts State Courts
  • District of Columbia Court of Appeals
  • United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
  • United States District Courts for the Eastern, Western, Southern, and Northern Districts of New York

Professional Experience

  • Representing consumers in rate proceedings before the New York State Public Service Commission and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  • Advocating on behalf of consumers in the PSC’s Reforming the Energy Vision proceeding.
  • Participating on the PSC’s Consumer Advisory Council, providing advice to the NYPSC on issues related to low-income consumers.
  • Representing sellers and buyers in sales of electric generating facilities.
  • Providing ongoing analyses and advice regarding regulatory consideration of utility mergers and other transactions for financial institutions and other clients.
  • Assisting the City of New York in the development and implementation of its energy-related public policies.
  • Securing a siting exemption from the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board for a liquefied natural gas facility.
  • Assisting public and private clients in resolving disputes, negotiating interconnection agreements, addressing service quality concerns, and other interactions with their electric and gas utility companies.
  • Negotiating precedent agreements with interstate gas pipelines.
  • Representing clients in judicial challenges of NYPSC and FERC decisions and orders.
  • Representing members of the New York State Legislature in federal and state redistricting litigation.
  • Representing utilities, commercial property owners, and municipalities in tax certiorari proceedings.


  • Albany County Bar Association
  • Energy Bar Association
  • New York State Bar Association
  • Co-Chair, NYSBA Public Utility Committee
  • American Bar Association
  • American Chemical Society
  • Families in Need of Assistance, Inc.