Trust & Estate Planning
At Couch White your Estate Planning is serious business. A well-constructed Estate Plan is one of the best gifts you can give your family.
The significant times in your life are exactly the times when you most need the protections, benefits and tax savings of a good Estate Plan. A good Estate Plan starts with a core of conversations, decisions and documents. Couch White’s Trust & Estate attorneys make sure that you have the core Estate Planning documents that are “the right fit” for your needs and priorities, whether you are in your 30’s or 90’s. If desired, we can then add additional tools to your core documents which provide various protections and benefits to accomplish your wishes and secure tax savings.
If you are a “snowbird,” Couch White has partners licensed to practice in Florida and a longstanding relationship with Trust and Estate attorneys, on-the-ground, in Florida year-round. If you are a business owner, Couch White attorneys coordinate your Estate Planning with your Business Succession Planning. If you have charitable intent or significant capital gains exposure where charitable giving could be part of the solution, we have expertise and experience to plan and implement significant charitable gifts.
The Firm’s representative experience includes:
- Personalized Health Care Proxies, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney, Wills, revocable and irrevocable trusts, beneficiary designations, deeds and other titling documents, LLCs and LLPs.
- Updates to Estate Plans to reflect current circumstances and objectives when life changes in your family, health, and finances, or changes occur in the Trust & Estate or Tax Laws.
- Estate Planning for “snowbirds” who have made or plan to make Florida their legal domicile.
- Charitable Gift Plans: selection of the most appropriate assets and arrangements to accomplish clients’ objectives.
- IRAs, Donor Advised Funds, private foundations, charitable lead and remainder unitrusts and annuity trusts, charitable gift annuities, gifts of real property and art.
- Coordination with Business Succession Planning, including but not limited to Buy-Sell Agreements and gifting or bequeathing company ownership to family.