
A respected leader in all aspects of energy law and project siting
Energy and Public Utility Law
Project Siting and Development
Energy Transactions
Energy Litigation and Dispute Resolution
With a national reputation in Energy Law, Couch White represents clients on a wide variety of legal, regulatory, contractual and policy matters concerning electricity, natural gas and steam generation, delivery and consumption.
As a premier New York law firm specializing in energy law, our attorneys are consistently recognized by Chambers & Partners, Super Lawyers, and Best Lawyers as top-tier professionals in the field. We are proud to be a recognized leader in energy law, serving a distinguished regional, national, and international client base, including numerous Fortune 500 companies. The firm’s energy clients include large end-use customers, the City of New York, owners of large commercial and residential buildings, merchant energy generators, municipalities and private developers. The firm’s attorneys work with clients on distributed generation projects, tariff-related disputes and submetering issues and also represent developers in the construction of power plants, natural gas pipelines and electric transmission lines. Our experience in siting and permitting energy infrastructure projects in New York State is unparalleled.
Couch White also serves as counsel to Multiple Intervenors (an association of approximately 60 large industrial, commercial and institutional energy consumers with facilities throughout New York State) and the Connecticut Industrial Energy Consumers (an ad hoc coalition of industrial end-users located across the State of Connecticut). We actively represent these and other clients in generic and utility-specific rate and restructuring proceedings before the New York State Public Service Commission, the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, the Vermont Public Service Board, Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Couch White attorneys also are active on behalf of clients at the New York Independent System Operator, ISO-New England and the New York State Reliability Council.