by Lindsay Perkins | Oct 17, 2022 | Construction Contracts, Donald J. Hillmann, General
Effective October 28, 2022, DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) to implement a section of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, requiring agencies to provide a notice,...
by Kimberly Schaffer | Mar 15, 2022 | Construction, Donald J. Hillmann, General, Labor, Wage and Collective Bargaining
New York State Department of Labor recently released interim guidance and proposed regulation regarding prevailing wage requirements for aggregate supply construction material haulers. Read the article.
by Kimberly Schaffer | Dec 13, 2021 | Construction, Construction Contracts, Donald J. Hillmann, General
As part of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 New York State Enacted Budget, lawmakers passed legislation which will expand prevailing wage requirements beyond public works projects to include some private projects as well – a first in the State’s history. The law, which becomes...
by Kimberly Schaffer | Jul 29, 2021 | Clemente J. Parente, Construction, Donald J. Hillmann, General, Joel M. Howard, III
On July 21, 2021, the National Labor Relations Board ruled that unions may continue to use the inflatable balloon known as “Scabby The Rat” at informational demonstrations because such use does not constitute an illegal secondary boycott. Read the article.