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Adam Conway Participates in Albany Business Review’s Table of Experts on Renewable Energy

Aug 29, 2024

Adam Conway, Chair of the Renewable Energy Transactions Practice Group & Energy Partner, recently sat down with Walter Thorne, Market President and Publisher of the Albany Business Review, to share insights on navigating New York State’s renewable energy space and how businesses can be successful in this process. Couch White specifically created the Renewable Energy Transactions practice area to be a full-service legal team for companies looking to do business in New York and rely on a team of legal experts to advise on real estate, energy, and permitting to make sure the projects are good investments. In the Table of Experts article in the Albany Business Review, Adam shares, “There are success stories so far, and there are good examples of programs and projects that New York state has developed from scratch that have led to real, measurable, impactful project deployments that will put us on a path to achieve some of these goals that we’ve set out for ourselves. It’s worthwhile to appreciate the successes and understand that one of the key ways we’re going to hit some of these targets is to continue to put projects in the ground. We have to continue with the momentum if these projects and these programs and these targets are going to be successful.”

Read the full article here and see the insights shared by Adam and the other panelists:

Couch White’s Renewable Energy Transactions practice group has helped clients acquire, develop, finance and construct nearly 300 renewable energy sites with an aggregate value in excess of $2 billion representing more than 2,000 megawatts of clean renewable energy.

  • Community Solar – 250+ sites representing 875+ megawatts of clean renewable energy
  • Large-Scale Solar – 20 sites representing 730+ megawatts of clean renewable energy
  • On-shore Wind – 6 sites representing 575+ megawatts of clean renewable energy
  • Battery Storage – 18 sites with a capacity to generate 65+ megawatts of clean renewable energy
  • Fuel Cell – 4 sites representing 30+ megawatts of clean renewable energy